
Injured Sea Turtle Freed From Fishing Net

This poor sea turtle was trapped in a fishing net and badly injured before these kind people worked to free it…

Unfortunately, 6 of the 7 sea turtle species are classified as threatened or endangered because of human actions.

One of the main threats facing sea turtles is plastic and other marine debris. In fact, over 1 million marine animals — including dolphins, fish, sharks, turtles, and birds — are killed due to plastic debris each year.

There are an estimated 150 million metric tons of plastic in oceans around the world … and nearly half of that plastic waste is fishing nets just like in the video!

If nothing is done, there will soon be more plastic than fish in our oceans. Check out our official “Save the Reef” documentary for more information…

At Karmagawa and Save the Reef, we’re trying to stop plastic from overtaking the environment by spreading awareness of the growing crisis — but we can’t do it alone.

You can help us by following us on Twitter and Instagram for more of our updates — and share the information with your friends and family to let them know. We can accomplish a lot together!

Also, have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own documentaries — and tell people about important subjects like this in your own way?

If so, we recently released a new course that can help you do that … and the great thing is, proceeds go toward helping animals and the environment.  

We joined forces with Amir Zakeri — the filmmaker of the documentary you just watched — to create a videography masterclass to teach you — and you can save 50% on the presale now.

Check out this video to learn more about Amir and how he can help you. Get started today.

What kind of changes can we make so that plastic doesn’t overtake our oceans? Leave a comment below.

(Cover image: VisionDive/Shutterstock)