
Family Rescues Young Bear From Drowning

A Wisconsin family rescued a young bear after it got a plastic cheese ball container stuck on its head.

Check out this video …

After spending a day fishing on Marsh-Miller Lake, Tricia Hurt, her husband Brian, and their son Brady were headed back to the boat landing when they noticed something in the water.

At first, they thought it was a dog … but as they got closer they realized it was a distressed young bear.

Apparently, the bear got hungry and got stuck in a plastic container while it was searching for food.

The young black bear was swimming across the lake … struggling to breathe.

The family knew if they didn’t do something the bear wouldn’t have been able to make it to land.

Luckily — after several attempts by the family of heroes — Brian managed to grab the plastic container and remove it from the bear’s head and the cute animal was able to swim safely to shore.

Tricia posted the video on Facebook and got overwhelmed by the response as the video went viral.

This was a happy ending but sadly, too many animals aren’t as lucky because plastic kills over one million animals every year and it’s only getting worse.

Plastic takes dozens or even hundreds of years to decompose, so every piece can kill many animals over time!

At Karmagawa, we want to remind everyone of this urgent crisis so that we can end plastic pollution to save our planet’s wildlife before it’s too late.

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more important stories and make sure to share with your family and loved ones. 

And be sure to show them this powerful video. It’s more proof of how plastic and pollution are destroying our waters and animals…

The director/producer of “50 Minutes to Save the World,” Amir Zakeri, created a masterclass for us to help Karmagawa and SaveTheReef followers learn how to tell interesting stories through video — and you can get 50% off the regular price.  

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What do you think about the possibility of this young bear dying from plastic? Leave a comment below.

(Cover image: Volodymyr Burdiak/Shutterstock)