
Stranded Golden Retriever Rescued From Floods by Mexican Navy

A stranded golden retriever has been rescued in Tabasco, Mexico, and has become world-famous.

The video was recorded by members of the Mexican Navy as they spotted the poor animal. It was standing on its hind legs in water outside the window of a house, trying to stay alive and not knowing where to go.

The Mexican Navy members pull up in a rescue boat to the visibly scared animal and one of the members attempts to comfort him before pulling him to safety.

The video has gone viral and has been viewed more than five million times, capturing the hearts of animal lovers all around the world.

The Southern region of Mexico — which includes states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Veracruz — has been slammed by incredibly heavy rains due to Hurricane Eta, along with two cold fronts. The flooding they are experiencing is the worst that Tabasco has seen in 50 years, affecting over 300,000 people.

At Karmagawa and SaveTheReef, we love to see people going above and beyond for animals that need help. According to reports, the Mexican Navy has adopted the dog so he has a new home with people that will take care of him. We hope more people will do good deeds like this.

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What do you think about what this golden retriever had to go through before being rescued? Would you go out of your way to save another animal in the same situation? Leave a comment below.

(Cover image: Eric Isselee/Shutterstock)