
Stranded Deer Rescued by Good Samaritans in Wisconsin

A couple of Good Samaritans stopped to rescue a stranded deer recently.

Gil Lencour from Cranmore, Wisconsin, was on his way home for a lunch break when he spotted something out of the ordinary on a nearby frozen lake.

After further investigation, he realized it was a poor deer stuck on the ice. Gil hurried home to grab a leash and called his boss to give him a hand. When they got back to the lake, they tried to figure out how to help the frightened animal but realized the leash just wasn’t going to work and the ice was too thin to drive any sort of vehicle.

Gil finally made it to the deer by sliding his way over. He sat next to her and calmed her down before pushing the animal across the ice towards safety while his boss filmed the whole thing.

Check out the video below …

When the deer arrived at the edge and got her footing, she ran back to the woods, finally free from danger.

Thanks to these two and their quick thinking, the deer was able to return home and continue her life. At Karmagawa, we want to thank them for their caring hearts. We love hearing stories like this so we’re putting it out on all our media channels. It’s 2021 and we need more positivity spread so that others can learn from their heroic example!

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What do you think about the good deed done by these two kind souls? Leave a comment below.

(Cover image: Michelle Patrick/Shutterstock)