Private divers hired by Talos Energy, a company based in Texas, have found a broken pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico. An oil spill in the gulf prompted an investigation in the wake of Hurricane Ida. Soon after, the divers identified two other ruptured pipelines that appear to have been abandoned.

The United States Coast Guard reported that Talos had hired private divers to investigate the source of the spill, but the company claims the broken pipeline does not belong to them. It is still unclear which company owns the pipeline, and an investigation is underway to determine who is responsible.
Satellite images reveal at least three large oil slicks in the area, though it is not confirmed whether the oil is coming from the broken pipelines that have already been identified or if it is coming from another source that has yet to be found. The largest of the three oil slicks spans 12 miles along the Gulf coast.
Although three ruptured pipelines have already been discovered, divers and personnel from Clean Gulf Associates are reportedly still investigating to find the source of the leaks.
Hurricane Ida rained devastation on the state of Louisiana, and massive clean-up and rescue efforts are still underway. The storm carved a path of destruction leading up to the New England states, which experienced severe rainfall and flooding as the storm passed through. This oil spill is just part of the mess that is being addressed after the storm.
A containment boom and skimmers have been placed in the vicinity of the spills to minimize their environmental impact. Even so, it is essential that the source of the spill be found and quickly repaired before more of the earth’s precious ocean waters are polluted by it.

At Karmagawa and SaveTheReef we are committed to seeing the end of marine pollution. It’s so important to hold oil companies accountable for the impact they have on our planet! We hope to one day see the end of tragedies like this, which cause irreparable damage to our beautiful oceans.
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(Cover image: Oil and Gas Photographer/Shutterstock)