
Discovery of Over 500 Dogs Trapped in Horrible Conditions at an Illegal Puppy Farm Lead to Animal Cruelty Charges in Spain

A man and woman were charged with animal cruelty after Spanish investigators found more than 500 dogs being held in horrible conditions at an illegal puppy farm in Spain.

The investigators were shocked by what they discovered, as reported by The Sun. Hundreds of dogs were crammed inside small cages which were made for rabbits — with many cages being stacked upon one another in a run-down building.

Many of the animals were suffering from lack of food, water and veterinary care.

Jose AS Reyes/Shutterstock

Among the poor animals were poodles, terriers, Pomeranians, chihuahuas and Shih Tzus. Of the 544 dogs found, 250 were young puppies.

The farm reportedly didn’t even have the correct documentation to work for breeding — and authorities have yet to decide on what to do with the rescued animals.

We at Karmagawa are furious that people create these cruel living conditions for animals … and all for the love of money.

The thing is, these horrible farms wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t a demand. There are so many poor animals in need of love that are just waiting for a family to adopt them. Please adopt one of these loving creatures instead of buying animals that are bred simply for profit.

If we stop buying from these breeders they’ll have to stop their cruel practices. Adopt, don’t shop.

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Also, take a look at our new course available for sale. We’ll teach you how to make documentaries and all the proceeds go to helping animals and the environment.

We joined forces with professional filmmaker Amir Zakeri to create a masterclass about the art of storytelling through video, and you can save 50% on the presale now.

Check out this video to learn more about Amir and how he can help you. Get started today.

Do you think animals waiting for adoption are just as valuable as ones you can buy from breeders? Leave a comment below.

(Cover image: Riz Santiago/Shutterstock)