Fans enjoying a Miami Hurricanes football game at Hard Rock Stadium jumped into quick action when they noticed a cat hanging on for its life from the upper stadium deck. It is not known how the cat got loose in the stadium or where exactly it came from, but once onlookers caught sight of what was happening, it appeared the whole crowd turned its attention away from the game to focus on the struggling kitty.

The black and white cat dangled by its paws from a wire while onlookers took out their camera phones to record the crazy event. Kimberly and Craig Cromer were sitting just below the cat and quickly pulled their American flag off of the handrailing where they had zip-tied it. They stretched out the flag beneath the cat just in time.
The crowd gasped as the cat lost its grip and fell about 50 feet, only to cheer as it landed safely in the Cromer’s flag. One of the cat’s brave rescuers held up the terrified kitty for the crowd to see that the little guy was unharmed. Obviously terrified, the kitty gave its rescuers some good scratches to remember him by.
The whole incident was recorded and went viral, making headlines in sports pages across the US. The hashtag #HardRockCat was trending on Twitter after the heroic rescue. The Hard Rock Stadium posted a tweet stating that it had made a monetary donation to the Miami Humane Society in honor of the incident and encouraged others to donate to the organization as well.
As for the cat, he reportedly was taken home by a woman after the game.

At Karmagawa and SaveTheReef, we are thankful this story had a happy ending thanks to those who saw an animal in need of help and sprang into action. We hope this story inspires people around the world to not just stand by when an animal needs help. May the Cromers and everyone else involved in this rescue serve as reminders to all to do good whenever you can, wherever you can.
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(Cover image: Peter Gudella/Shutterstock)