The sad images in our Instagram post below are just some of the images taken from Vivotecnia in Madrid, Spain.
Vivotecnia is a research lab that conducts toxicity testing for various drugs, chemicals, and substances. Sadly, they do this harsh testing primarily on animals.
Video footage and images surfaced online of the animals in the lab being horribly mistreated by researchers. Reports of animals being hit and shaken, injured due to mishandling, experimented on with little to no anesthesia and verbally and physically taunted as they were suffering, led to a suspension of all lab activity. Animal cruelty like the kind shown in those videos and images is a violation of Spain’s animals rights laws.
Once the allegations of animal abuse were found to be true, the lab was shut down by local authorities for investigation. There were also talks of releasing the animals to animal rights groups for care and rehoming. However, that’s not what happened.
Those who are fighting for the rights of these poor animals were shocked and angered to learn that the suspension of the lab’s activities has been lifted, and research will continue as it has before.
Vivotecnia representatives claim they have made necessary changes in order to reopen its doors and continue its research. Live feed video surveillance has been installed in the facility so that their activities can be monitored. Also, a veterinarian is to be on sight and present at all times to ensure the safety of the animals.
But this isn’t enough. Even with these measures, the animals in this lab are forced to endure cruel testing, forcibly ingesting various substances and poisons to measure their reactions. These animals will again be subjected to painful and deadly side effects from these tests.
Since animals and humans tend to have different reactions to different substances, many animal rights groups argue that this kind of testing is outdated and unnecessary. In fact, it’s downright cruel.

At Karmagawa and SaveTheReef we’re saddened to hear about this tragic reversal of justice. Add your voice to those calling out for accountability and better treatment for these animals. You can follow this link to sign the petition to stop this cruelty!
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(Cover image: Andrea Izzotti/Shutterstock)