An investigation captured horrific video evidence of extreme animal suffering on multiple fur farms and the truth is revolting!
One by one, foxes and raccoon dogs were violently electrocuted for their fur.
Take a look at this disturbing video to see what actually happens ⚠️GRAPHIC IMAGES⚠️ …
Did you know that 85% of the fur industry’s skins come from animals who are held captive on fur factory farms?
Sadly, around one hundred million animals are bred and killed on fur farms specifically to supply the fashion industry with fur coats, hooded jackets, and fur pompoms used for hats, gloves, and shoes. Half of all these animals are estimated to be raised and killed for fur trim.
Animals such as foxes, rabbits, raccoon dogs, and mink are being bred for their fur. They are held in small wire cages for their entire lives … unable to live freely and express their natural behavior and instincts. This causes many to show mental distress and behavior such as repeated pacing and circling around their cages. Many even resort to self-mutilation and fighting.
Numerous other investigations revealed animals with open wounds, deformed feet, diseased eyes, and even animals being driven to cannibalism.
When the animals are at their prime — before a year old — the animals are beaten, electrocuted, gassed, or have their necks broken.

At Karmagawa and SaveTheReef we are disgusted by these practices and the treatment these animals are receiving. The fact that people still buy fur clothing is due to a lack of awareness of how terribly these animals are treated, so we are using our channels to spread the word. There are plenty of other non-cruel materials that can be used to make clothing as we use in the fabrics of the clothing we sell in our merch store. Clothing should not come from abused animals!
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Do you have stories that you want to expose through video? If so, movies are a powerful way to get your message out.
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You’ll be helping important causes, so don’t hesitate. Get started now.
What do you think about the cruel practices being done at these fur farms? Would you buy clothing with real fur? Leave a comment below.
(Cover image: Nicolai Dybdal/Shutterstock)